Tag heuer smartwatch

Обзор швейцарских умных часов Tag Heuer Connected

После нескольких месяцев ожиданий амбициозного проекта компания Tag Heuer наконец приоткрыла занавесу тайны и рассказала о своих дебютных смарт часах на эксклюзивном мероприятии в Нью-Йорке. Мы поделимся с вами самыми первыми впечатлениями и достоверными фактами в этом обзоре Tag Heuer Connected.

Общая информация

Умные часы Tag Heuer Connected претендуют на роль роскошного смарт гаджета на Android Wear, также особенностью является сотрудничество Tag с Google в процессе разработки. Кроме того, Tag Heuer Connected можно назвать первыми часами, которые способны похвастаться чипсетом на базе Intel. В этом обзоре вы узнаете все характеристики, важные детали, цену и найдете фотографии устройства.

Технические характеристики

Производитель: Tag Heuer

  • Тип: Intel Atom Z34XX
  • Частота, ГГц, 0,5
  • ОС: MTK
  • Совместимость с ОС: Android, iOS
  • Диагональ: 46 мм
  • Тип: LCD
Способ соединения
Способ оповещения
  • Вибрация: да
  • Звуковой сигнал: да
  • Вызовы: есть
  • SMS: есть
  • Электронная почта: есть
  • События календаря: есть
  • Социальные сети (Facebook, Twitter, др.): есть
  • Емкость, мАч: нет данных
  • Время работы, дней: нет данных
Физические параметры
  • Масса, г: 52
  • Съемный ремешок: нет
  • Габариты: нет данных
  • Защита от воды, ударов: есть
  • Управление музыкальным плеером: есть
  • NFC: нет данных
  • Цена, $: от 1500

Внешний вид

Пожалуй, здесь не стоит ходить вокруг да около: Tag Heuer Connected – действительно красивые умные часы. Пройдясь по корпусу быстрым взглядом, вы можете принять гаджет за традиционные часы от этой компании, но при рассмотрении поближе обнаружите, что устройство куда габаритней.

Толщина Tag Heuer Connected составляет 12,8 мм – справедливости ради стоит заметить, что эти часы чуточку толще своих круглых конкурентов на Android Wear – Huawei Watch (11,3 мм) и Moto 360 (11,4 мм). Но, не смотря на внешнюю громоздкость, Connected впечатляюще легкие (52г), на 10% легче LG G Watch R. Столь низкий вес был достигнут благодаря использованию титана 2 класса в корпусе и задней пластины из пластика.

Также следует отметить интересную и весьма практичную застежку.

В стандартную комплектацию входит черный резиновый ремешок, другие варианты разных цветов можно приобрести отдельно.

Часы очень удобны и комфортны в носке (особенно если сравнивать их с Asus ZenWatch 2).


На самом деле, здесь есть, к чему придраться. В целом дисплей неплох – трансфлективный, контрастный даже при ярком освещении, с сапфировым стеклом, резолюцией 360×360 и плотностью пикселей 240 точек на дюйм.

Но за стоимость $1500 долларов вполне естественно, что вы хотите получить все самое лучшее, и дисплей в том числе, но экран Tag Heuer Connected нельзя назвать исключительным: дисплеи Huawei Watch (400×400 пикселей и 286 ppi) и предстоящие LG Watch Urbane Second Edition (480×480 пикселей и 348 ppi) значительно превосходят его по параметрам.

Конечно, урезать параметры пришлось для улучшения жизни батареи, но, согласитесь – простого пользователя мало волнуют проблемы производителя, а факт остается фактом: покупая Tag Heuer, вы можете не ждать самого лучшего дисплея.


Из информации о том, что часы Tag Heuer Connected базируются на Android Wear, можно понять, что функциональность будет аналогична большинству часов на этой операционной системе. Доступен голосовой поиск, сервисы Google Maps, Fit, Translate и все ключевые приложения, портированные на эту платформу.



Tag Heuer Connected можно назвать самыми красивыми умными часами с высочайшим качеством сборки. Но если вы не готовы распрощаться с $1500 ради эстетики – это не повод для переживаний, так как можно легко подобрать бюджетный аналог с той же функциональностью.

Купить умные часы TAG Heuer Connected


TAG Heuer Connected Modular 41 & 45, die neue Smartwatch



Treten Sie aus dem Schatten in das Licht

Hochwertige, moderne Keramik bietet eine unvergleichliche Kratzbeständigkeit. Dieses glatte, leichte Material erweitert die Grenzen der Zeit. ENTDECKEN


Der Schwerkraft trotzen: ein leichtes Spiel

Stark und raffiniert in allen Situationen. Titan, das für seine Widerstandsfähigkeit und sein geringes Gewicht geschätzt wird, ist hypoallergen und extrem verschleißfest. ENTDECKEN


Kombination von Reinheit und Eleganz

18 K Roségold (5N), majestätisch, elegant und großartig, veredelt die Hörner oder die Lünette Ihrer TAG Heuer Connected Modular. ENTDECKEN


Brillanz aus allen Blickwinkeln

Diamanten mit einem Durchmesser von 1,0 mm bis 1,7 mm sind der Blickfang Ihrer Uhr. Luxuriös, faszinierend und schillernd. Sie ist nicht nur eine Uhr, sondern ein wahres Schmuckstück. ENTDECKEN


Zeitlose Modernität

Sowohl klassisch als auch modern. Bekommen Sie ein Gefühl für Zeit, mit einem unvergleichlich widerstandsfähigen und bequemen Armband aus Kalbsleder, einem natürlichen, lebendigen Material, in Verbindung mit Kautschuk. ENTDECKEN


Wagen, anders zu sein, Komfort einfordern

Unsere Armbänder aus Kautschuk bieten eine perfekte Balance zwischen Robustheit, Modernität und Komfort. Sie halten jeder Beanspruchung stand und begleiten Sie tagein tagaus. ENTDECKEN

TAG Heuer Studio

Bringen Sie Ihre Persönlichkeit zum Ausdruck

Viertausend Möglichkeiten, ein individuelles TAG Heuer-Zifferblatt zu kreieren, das Ihrem Stil entspricht. Wählen Sie ein Zifferblatt als Grundlage und lassen Sie Ihrer Kreativität freien Lauf. Eine Uhr, die genauso einzigartig ist wie Sie selbst. Das Video ansehen


Stellen Sie Ihre eigenen Regeln auf

Maximale Vielseitigkeit: Passen Sie Ihre Uhr jeder Situation und jedem Stil an. Armbänder, Gehäusehörner und das gleiche automatische mechanische Modul: Lassen Sie Ihrer Fantasie freien Lauf.


Josef Ajram

Als Geschäftsmann und Spitzensportler koordiniert er sein Leben mit dem ultimativen Präzisionsinstrument. Vom Surfen bis zum Radfahren – sein Streben nach Perfektion kennt keine Grenzen.

*Videofunktion nicht auf der Uhr verfügbar

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Anna Chipovskaya

Blicken Sie hinter die Kulissen des Alltagslebens dieser vielseitigen Schauspielerin. In allem, was sie tut, spiegelt sich ihr anspruchsvolles Denken und ihr Sinn für Eleganz wider.

*Videofunktion nicht auf der Uhr verfügbar

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Red Bull Racing

Schnell, rigoros und präzise. Leben Sie ein Leben wie ein Formel-1-Rennfahrer, zwischen Spitzensport und öffentlichen Auftritten.

*Videofunktion nicht auf der Uhr verfügbar

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Juan Arbelaez

Verbringen Sie einen wundervollen Tag mit einem jungen, athletischen Koch. Präzise, organisiert und voller Leidenschaft verspricht er, Ihren Geschmackssinn zu wecken.

*Videofunktion nicht auf der Uhr verfügbar

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Shinji Kagawa

Erleben Sie 24 Stunden im Leben eines Fußballwunderkindes. Zwischen Spielplänen und intensivem Training stehen für ihn Disziplin und Leistung im Vordergrund.

*Videofunktion nicht auf der Uhr verfügbar

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Innewohnende Funktionen


Das zu jeder Zeit hilfreiche GPS auf Ihrer Uhr. Sie brauchen Ihr Handy nicht mehr herauszunehmen – Sie wissen, welchen Weg Sie einschlagen müssen.

Innewohnende Funktionen

Google Pay

Noch nie war es so einfach, eine sichere Zahlung zu tätigen.

*Google Pay ist jetzt für iOS- und Android-Nutzer in folgenden Ländern erhältlich: Australien, Kanada, Frankreich, Deutschland, Italien, Polen, Russland, Spanien, Großbritannien und den USA.

Innewohnende Funktionen


Laden Sie Ihre Lieblingslieder auf Ihre Uhr herunter. Greifen Sie auf Ihre gesamte Musiksammlung und Google Play-Playlists zu. Wechseln Sie zwischen den Liedern, passen Sie den Klang an und lehnen Sie sich zurück.

Innewohnende Funktionen

Google Übersetzer

Ein persönlicher Übersetzer an Ihrem Handgelenk macht die Uhr zur perfekten Reisebegleiterin.

Innewohnende Funktionen

Google Fit

Die Google Fit-App hilft Ihnen, fit zu bleiben und erfasst diskret Ihre wöchentlichen Aktivitäten.

Innewohnende Funktionen


Mithilfe des integrierten Mikrofons können Sie Google Assistant Fragen stellen, Suchen durchführen und vieles mehr. Hinweis: Google Assistant ist nicht in allen Sprachen verfügbar.

Innewohnende Funktionen

Play Store

Tausende Apps an Ihrem Handgelenk. Eine Welt voller Funktionen und Dienstleistungen liegt Ihren zu Füßen!

Innewohnende Funktionen


Das Wear OS-Benachrichtigungssystem liefert Ihnen alle wichtigen Informationen und spart Ihnen wertvolle Zeit.

Technische Eigenschaften:


Kratzfestes Saphirglas, AMOLED-Display, Touchscreen mit Multipoint-Oberfläche. Auflösung des 45-mm-Displays: 400 x 400, 287 ppi.

Auflösung des 41-mm-Displays: 390 x 390, 326 ppi.

Technische Eigenschaften:


Prozessor: Intel® Atom®. 45 mm Speicher: 512 MB RAM, 4 GB HD / 41 mm: 1 GB RAM, 8 GB HD.

Intel und Intel Inside sind eingetragene Warenzeichen von Intel Corporation*

Technische Eigenschaften:


Beschleunigungsmesser, Gyroskop, Neigungssensor, Mikrofon, Vibrationsmelder/Haptik-Engine, ALS (Ambient Light Sensor), GPS, NFC-Bezahlsystem (kontaktlos).

Technische Eigenschaften:


Smartphones mit Android™ 4.4 oder späterer Version oder iPhone 5 sowie neuere iPhones mit iOS 9.3 oder späterer Version. Verfügbare Funktionen können sich je nach Plattform unterscheiden. Android und Wear OS sind eingetragene Warenzeichen von Google Inc.*

Technische Eigenschaften:


Bluetooth BLE 4.1. WLAN 2.4 GHz 802.11 b/g/n.


Technische Eigenschaften:


45 mm: 410 mAh 41 mm: 345 mAh

Durchschnittliche Laufzeit bei normalem Gebrauch: bis zu 25 Stunden. Ladezeit für einen leeren Akku: 1 Std. 50 Min.

Technische Eigenschaften:


Ihre bis zu 50 Meter wasserdichte Uhr lässt Sie unter Wasser nicht im Stich!


Eine Uhr, in der sich Ihre Persönlichkeit widerspiegelt

Wählen Sie aus über 60 Modellen die für Sie passende Version aus. Größe, Farbe, Material, Hörner, etc. Wählen Sie Ihre TAG Heuer Connected Modular.

Made in Switzerland

Das „Swiss Made“-Gütesiegel

Die TAG Heuer Connected Modular ist ein unvergleichliches technisches Instrument, dessen Design unverkennbar in der Tradition der Schweizer Uhrmacherkunst steht. Die gleiche Sorgfalt, die gleiche Liebe zum Detail, die gleichen hohen Ansprüche. Dies erlaubt uns, das „Swiss Made“-Gütesiegel zu führen, eine Garantie für Qualität und Handwerkskunst.. Das Video ansehen Halten Sie Ihr Telefon für eine optimale Erfahrung bitte senkrecht.


Tag Heuer and Intel are making another $1,600 Android Wear smartwatch

TAG Heuer Connected Modular 45 Intel

The latest Android Wear 2.0 smartwatch is the Tag Heuer Connected Modular 45. It continues the dubious traditions of word salad branding and smartwatches that cost an arm and a leg, in this case $1,600. That’s $100 more than 2015’s Tag Heuer Connected, but what’s a Benjamin between low-tier luxury watch friends?

Jerry Bautista, vice president of New Technology Group at Intel insists that this is much more than an Android Wear module in an expensive body. He says that Intel worked with Tag to build this watch like any other expensive mechanical watch, with exacting standards on the internals.

The “modular” part of this watch denotes that you’ll be able to customize a ton of the parts of the watch before you buy it. You can choose different colors, “modules, horns, bracelets, and buckles.” And when the tech inside inevitably becomes obsolete, Tag will let you swap out the module for something mechanical or trade the whole kit in for a Heuer 02T Tourbillon Chronograph. (Tag’s trade-in program sounds weird, but it’s kind of clever, as Dan Seifert wrote in 2015.)


Before I get into the details, let me just set the context. On paper, this seems like a frustratingly good watch. It’s probably the most reasonably sized and reasonably specced Android Wear 2.0 smartwatch. Everything else out there so far this year is too big or has terrible battery life. It’s the one I would probably get and recommend... if it cost $1,300 less.

It’s also an all-metal design, which is notable because Intel and Tag pulled that off without having to cut out NFC, which means this will work for Android Pay. Bautista says that the 1.39-inch AMOLED display is round without a flat tire, surrounded by a ring that contains all the necessary antennas for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. It also manages to fit an ambient light sensor in, with a light pipe from the sapphire cover glass on the watch channeling down and inside to the board.

Spec-wise, you’re looking at Android Wear 2.0 with Intel’s Atom Z34XX processor — they’re claiming even with ambient mode on you should get 30 hours of battery life. There’s GPS, too, though there’s no LTE or a heart rate monitor. It’s good underwater down to about 100 feet with a tympanic membrane over the microphone. Intel says it’s 13.2mm thick, which is still more than an Apple Watch but blessedly less than the massive watches other Android Wear manufacturers have been shipping lately.

One last thing, and maybe the most interesting thing for most of us (aka people who can’t imagine spending $1,600 on a smartwatch): Intel is developing its own intelligent assistant that will eventually appear on this watch — and elsewhere. Bautista couldn’t tell me much about it, although he dropped some hints:

  • It will be able to help based on your current activities instead of just the time of day. So, for example, it might realize you left work late and still give you your home reminders rather than annoy you by giving them to you when you’re still at the office.
  • Like Siri and Google, it will be able to handle asking follow-up questions without losing context.
  • Although it won’t be on the Tag at launch, it’ll come. It’ll also show up on other devices from companies Intel partners with, like Oakley.
  • It won’t have a name or a gender.

Its not super clear why Intel is putting its own intelligent assistant on a device that already has the Google Assistant, but Bautista insists that it’ll be differentiated and smart in its own way. Intel and Tag call it a “new experience of time,” which is precisely the sort of dangerous language that damages eyeballs from excessive rolling.

I guess if Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Amazon all have assistants, Intel just doesn’t want to feel left out.


Anyway, don’t buy the Tag Heuer Connected Modular 45 for the assistant, buy it if you like the look of the watch and don’t blink at spending $1,600 on a piece of jewelry.

Google’s strategy with Android Wear 2.0 is to get as many different kinds of companies making smartwatches as it can. So I don’t have a lot of angst that an expensive Android Wear watch exists. The angst I do have is that this Tag seems like the best of the Android Wear 2.0 generation right now — everything in the sub-$500 range is either too big or has worse battery life.


Tag Heuer’s Connected Modular 41 is the luxury smartwatch we’ve been waiting for

Bigger is not always better, but try telling that to luxury smartwatch makers. The Tag Heuer Connected Modular 45 is a 45mm watch that feels more like 45 meters, the Montblanc Summit is so large it has been scaled by fewer people than Everest, and the Hublot Big Bang Referee’s 49mm size swallows our wrist (and our wallet). Subtle they’re not, and they aren’t comfortable to wear either.

Tag Heuer has the answer with the Connected Modular 41, a slightly smaller and altered version of the Connected Modular 45. Does shaving a few millimeters off make much of a difference, and does shrinking the size impact usability? Or is this the optimum size for a touchscreen smartwatch? We’ve been wearing the Tag Heuer Connected Modular 41 for a week to find out.

More compact design

This is a Swiss-made smartwatch, make no mistake. When Tag Heuer collaborated with Intel on the Connected Modular 45, the chipmaker explained to us how many design and technical alterations were necessary for both companies to be satisfied with the end result. This ranges from the watch body being clamped together with gaskets, rather than glued, to the ambient light sensor being concealed behind the screen so it doesn’t ruin the look.

The commitment to making a true Tag Heuer smartwatch also shines through in the materials. It has a smooth, lightweight titanium body, and sapphire crystal over the screen for example. Does this matter? Oh yes. Titanium makes the Connected Modular 41 so wonderfully light on the wrist. It’s barely noticeable, and very comfortable. Unlike the Connected Modular 45, the Modular 41 doesn’t have a plastic back, giving it an even higher quality feel. The sapphire crystal is 2.5mm thick and subtly curved, providing the screen with more protection and visual depth, At least one person commented that they didn’t know it was a smartwatch at first glance, something that’s due to the beautifully engineered sapphire crystal, and expertly rendered Tag Heuer watch faces.

This is a Swiss-made smartwatch, make no mistake.

What about the size? It’s surprising how much difference cutting back on a few millimeters makes. The body isn’t as wide, and therefore it’s so much better proportioned than the Connected Modular 45. The horns hug the case, and the strap flows from them in a more visually appealing way. The Modular 45 is much more chunky, and alongside the Modular 41 the screen looks massive, yet in reality it’s just 0.2mm wider. Tag Heuer has deftly managed to avoid making the watch too small too. The 38mm Apple Watch skews in this direction, and the 42mm version is far more preferable unless your wrist is incredibly dainty. We think it’s likely to appeal to both men and women because of this

The Connected Modular 41 looked exactly right on my wrist, and I regularly wear very big watches. The lugs didn’t spill over my wrist, so you can see the whole design of the watch when looking at the screen. A luxury watch, smart or not, is worn just as much for our personal enjoyment as it is for functionality, and if it doesn’t sit right, it won’t make your heart pound. That’s important when you’re spending thousands of dollars.

You’re not limited to one model either. Tag Heuer produces seven versions with different straps, and in nine different colors. It’s also great to see the strap has a traditional buckle, and not the more complicated and much larger clasp on the Modular 45. There are also two different strap lengths available, showing Tag Heuer’s thinking about male and female wrist sizes.

The rubber version we tested was small — it wasn’t our choice, but the only non-metal version Tag Heuer had at the time of review — but it still fitted well. The rubber is quite “sticky,” and would catch wrist hair when taking the watch off, because the keeper liked to grasp the strap itself very tightly. We liked the leather strap more, which has a rubber under section, making it more comfortable, more resistant to sweat, and longer lasting too. There are also two titanium metal link bands, which are ultra-light, and the black PVD version does look very swish, however the rubber and leather versions’ wider ends visually fit the watch’s body better.

Screen and battery

Tag Heuer has added a ceramic bezel to the Connected Modular 41, in either a black or polished finish, that adds to the durability. It surrounds a 1.2-inch AMOLED screen with a 390 x 390 pixel resolution. This is a little lower than the Modular 45, but the reduced size means the pixel density is higher, resulting in a sharper screen. It looked great indoors, and the brightness has been increased for outdoor use.

Andy Boxall/Digital Trends

We experienced no problems viewing the screen outside, helped by an anti-reflective coating added to the crystal, and the effective automatic brightness adjustment. We also cannot overstate the difference the thick slab of sapphire crystal over the display makes to the viewing experience. There is a stunning sheen to sapphire that glass or plastic lacks, which adds considerably to how great the watch looks in person.

We got at least a working day’s worth of use out of the 345mAh battery, but we’d have to charge it every night to ensure two days of use. Battery drain was relatively consistent. Charging is enabled using a disc that magnetically attaches to pins on the back of the watch. There’s no heart rate sensor, but we don’t consider this to be a fitness watch, so we didn’t really mind.

Performance and software

Examine the tech, and you’ll see the Modular 41 is the more technically-capable Tag Heuer smartwatch. The Modular 45 was produced in close conjunction with Intel, and once again it’s the company’s technology platform inside the Modular 41. Memory has been increased from 512MB in the Modular 45 to 1GB, and storage increased to 8GB. The watch connects to headphones using Bluetooth, and we tried it out in the gym. Downloading Google Play Music playlists is a pain, as it never completed despite multiple restarts. This may be a software problem though, as we’ve experienced the same problems on other watches.

There is a stunning sheen to sapphire that glass or plastic lacks.

It’s Google’s Wear OS onboard, which is the same as you’ll find on any other Wear OS smartwatch, outside of some Tag Heuer watch faces. Intel has cut right back on development of its wearable platform, which is a great shame. On the Tag Heuer Connected Modular 41 it’s responsive, quick, smooth, and stable. Connection to the watch is also very good, with data tasks happening quickly, including browsing the Google Play Store and using Google Maps The watch’s Intel processor is fast and the 1GB memory helps keep things zipping along.

The watch has NFC for Google Pay, GPS for fitness tracking without the need for a phone, and Google Assistant with a long press of the crown. Sadly, the crown doesn’t control the operating system outside of a button push. It’s a shame a rotating feature to navigate menus isn’t included. The vibration motor doesn’t feel overly aggressive, and the haptics the watch provides are just right. It’s a controlled, unobtrusive “buzz,” which isn’t overly audible, but you still feel it prodding your wrist. I didn’t miss notifications because it was too weak, and they didn’t jolt me to attention with a sharp, noisy alert either. Just right.

Tag Heuer also provides its own app, which we tried on Android. It’s expressly for designing watch faces, and is easier to do on the phone than on the watch, although it replicates functionality. There’s no fitness tracking, workout plans, or data related to activity.


The Connected Modular 41 isn’t a watch you’ll throw away when the battery is dead a few years down the line, or one you’ll abandon when you want to wear a mechanical watch, or a different strap. The clue is in the name. You can strip the watch down and change components, changing straps, horns, and even the body itself, if your wallet has the required depth.

Andy Boxall/Digital Trends

It’s very easy to do, and genuinely increases the lifetime use of the watch, particularly as you can purchase a mechanical Tag Heuer Carrera Calibre 5 watch body. This means swapping out the smartwatch body for a watch that doesn’t need charging, and still uses your existing strap and horns. The same positive design aspects of the connected body apply here too, with the converted mechanical watch looking great on the wrist.

It’s an expensive endeavour though, with the best straps costing several hundred dollars, and the Calibre 5 body itself an extra few thousand dollars. It’s also unique. No other smartwatch company offers such customizability, outside a few straps, and even if you splash out on the Carrera body, the combination is still a “cheap” entry point into Tag Heuer watch ownership.

Price, warranty, and availability

The Connected Modular 41 starts at $1,200, or 1,000 British pounds, and goes up from there. It can be purchased directly through Tag Heuer’s online store, through its retail boutiques, and in authorised stores.

It comes with a two-year warranty which covers manufacturing defects, and the company will repair or replace the watch for free during this time. However, it doesn’t cover normal aging of the battery, general wear and tear, the strap, or if the watch has been damaged by water or harsh conditions.

Our Take

The Tag Heuer Connected Modular 41 is a perfectly-sized smartwatch, with a technical specification that’s superior to its bigger brother, without sacrificing the unique customizability. Yes it’s more expensive than the majority of mainstream Wear OS watches, but it has a definite luxurious air, and we felt pretty special with it on our wrist.

Are there any alternatives?

There are a lot of touchscreen smartwatches out there, and the vast majority cost a lot less than the Connected Modular 41. Although we really like it, it’s very hard to justify the additional cost if you’re simply looking for a smartwatch, and aren’t being tempted by the Tag Heuer brand and Swiss history. The size makes it the most tempting out of its main competitors — the Montblanc Summit and Connected Modular 45 — but the Movado Connect is half the price, and has a less aggressive design, making it more suitable for everyone.

The perfectly sized, most wearable luxury smartwatch on the planet.

If you’re not looking for a Tag Heuer smartwatch, then our current favourites are the $300 Samsung Gear Sport and the $350 Apple Watch Series 3. Don’t dismiss the growing number of luxury hybrid smartwatches either, which offer Swiss credentials and style, without a touchscreen and limited battery life. We love the Frederique Constant Hybrid Manufacture and the Alpina AlpinerX for example.

How long will it last?

The modularity helps avoid that worrying end-of-life aspect of any non-replaceable battery operated smartwatch, but it does come at a price. However, it’s a distinct benefit over other expensive smartwatches. Outside of this, the watch has water resistance to 50 meters, and is made of genuinely tough materials — titanium, sapphire crystal, and ceramic. You’ll have to work hard to damage or destroy the Connected Modular 41.

Oddly, our review watch hadn’t yet received an update to Wear OS, Google’s rebranded version of Android Wear. It’s not missing out on many new features yet.

Should you buy it?

Yes. Tag Heuer has answered the question of what luxury smartwatch you should go out and buy with the Connected Modular 41. By shrinking the size by a few millimeters, Tag Heuer has carried out the impossible: It has created the perfectly sized, most wearable luxury smartwatch on the planet, and we liked it so much it had to be wrestled from our wrist. The Tag Heuer Connected Modular 41 is the ultra desirable, Swiss made luxury smartwatch we’ve been waiting for.


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