Acer aspire v15 nitro black edition

Обзор Acer Aspire V 15 Nitro (VN7-591G-787U). Игровой ноутбук с графикой NVIDIA

С момента анонса первого Acer Aspire V 15 Nitro Black Edition прошло уже более двух лет. Модель получилась удачной, вышло множество модификаций: мультимедийные, офисные и игровые машины. К моменту выхода этого обзора появились уже машины на базе платформы Skylake и вероятнее всего, мы увидим и мобильную графику поколения Pascal. Тем не менее, для знакомства с этой серией была выбрана модификация с индексом VN7-591G-787U. Работает этот Acer Aspire V 15 Nitro Black Edition на связке Intel Core i7 Haswell и графикой NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M. Именно графика нас и заинтересовала, в комментариях пользователи часто просят сравнить мобильные и дискретные версии одного чипа, сказано - сделано.

Продажи Acer Aspire V 15 Nitro Black Edition (VN7-591G-787U) идут уже давно, средняя стоимость, по данным сервиса Яндекс.Маркет, составляет 71 000 рублей.


Поставляется Acer ASPIRE VN7-591G-787U в стильной упаковке из темного картона. Характеристики указаны на наклейке, нанесенной с обратной стороны.

Комплектация включает блок питания и набор документации.

Внешний вид

В Acer Aspire V 15 Nitro Black Edition используется схожий дизайн со старшей серией. От модификации к модификации внешние изменения не вносятся. Изначально этот момент был хорошо проработан, выглядит ноутбук стильно со своей уникальной ноткой.

Да, он менее пафосный, чем специализированные игровые серии от Acer и конкурентов, но в этом есть свой шарм, он идеально впишется и в строгую обстановку офиса, и подойдет для стола геймера. Кстати, за время своего существования было получено несколько престижных наград за дизайн. Крышка выполнена из темного пластика с текстурным рисунком. Ближе к боковой грани красуется логотип Acer.

Внутренняя часть с легким софт-тач покрытием с темным цветом. При активной эксплуатации быстро собираются следы пальцев.

Для игрового ноутбука он компактен. При толщине в 2.4 см, вес составляет 2.4 кг. Сборка отличная, все детали идеально подогнаны друг к другу.

Спорным моментом в Acer Aspire V 15 Nitro Black Edition стало расположение разъемов и портов. Все они находятся на правой грани. Это три USB 3.0, один HDMI, LAN. При задействовании нескольких разъемов возникает мешанина из проводки, и могут появиться проблемы с доступностью при широком корпусе коннектора.

LAN-разъем выполнен в раскладном виде для того, чтобы вписаться в уменьшенную толщину корпуса.

С лицевого торца защищенный слот для карты памяти SD, слева замок Kensington.

Клавиатура с полным набором клавиш, русско-английская раскладка. Символы нанесены методом лазерной гравировки.

Ход клавиш короткий, есть тактильная отдача. Шум во время набора текста минимален. Есть красная подсветка, она равномерна по всей площади. Уровень яркости регулируется. Придется по вкусу любителям работы и игры ночью.

Тач-пад смещен влево, гармонично вписывается в общий дизайн. Скольжение пальцем по нему легкое, чувствительность недостаточно высокая. Пара кнопок под поверхностью тач-пада без визуального выделения. Крышка Acer Aspire V 15 Nitro Black Edition открывается на 170 градусов. Усилий для открытия не требуется, самопроизвольно не смещается. Эта часть корпуса стилизована под хромированный металл.

С нижней поверхности четыре резиновые ножки для устойчивого положения на ровной поверхности, а также приподнимающие его для оттока воздуха от вентиляционных отверстий.

Отдельных отсеков для доступа к жестким дискам и оперативной памяти нет, апгрейд системы затруднен.


Acer Aspire V 15 Nitro Black Edition получил Full HD экран с IPS-матрицей. Диагональ экрана 15.6 дюймов. Широкие углы обзора и высокая детализация. Высокая контрастность и яркость. Изображение остается разборчивым под прямыми солнечными лучами. Цветопередача без нареканий. Сенсорного управления нет. Существуют модификации с 4К-экраном.


Сердцем Acer ASPIRE VN7-591G-787U стал процессор Intel Core i7-4720HQ. Четырехъядерный процессор поколения Haswell с TDP – 47Вт. Рабочая частота 2.6 ГГц с турбо-частотой 3,6 ГГц. Графику обрабатывает встроенная Intel HD 4600 и видеокарта NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M с 4 Гбайт графической памяти. 3DMark 11

Такой связки хватает не только для повседневных задач, но и современных игр на Full HD разрешении. CrystalDiskMark

Данные хранятся на накопителе с емкостью 1000 Гбайт с 8 Гбайт SSD-cache. PCMark 08

8 Гбайт оперативной памяти DDR3L. Есть один свободный слот, объем можно увеличить до 16 Гбайт. Тесты в играх

Во время игр и продолжительных нагрузок замечен сильный нагрев в районе решеток, температура превышает 50 градусов. Расположиться удобно на диване с ноутбуком и разместить на ногах будет небезопасно.

Сравнение GeForce GTX 960M и GTX 960


Автономность далеко не рекордная. Игры истощают заряд за полтора часа, свой вклад вносят отдельная графика и процессор Core i7. При выполнении обычных задач батарейки хватает на 4 часа. Просмотр фильмов в течение 3 часов. Добавить еще пару часов можно, снизив яркость экрана до минимума. PCMark 08


Судя по официальному сайту, поставляется он с системой Windows 8.1, к нам же он попал с уже обновленной Windows 10. Проблем с апгрейдом не будет. Дополнительного софта нет.

Итоги по Acer Aspire V 15 Nitro Black Edition

Acer Aspire V 15 Nitro Black Edition – интересный вариант при выборе игрового ноутбука. К особенностям отнесем стильный дизайн, качественный IPS-экран, клавиатуру с подсветкой, высокий уровень быстродействия, отличную сборку, легкий вес. Не понравились в этой модели нагрев при продолжительной нагрузке, сложный доступ к компонентам, близкое расположение портов и чувствительность тач-пада.


2016-07-09 20:50:31Guest:

Батарея конечно слабая... в ноутбуках тем более игровых батарея должна быть очень мощная. Как батарея, сделанная ученым Mr.Schubart, которая заряжается за минуту

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Acer Aspire V Nitro Black Edition – Обзор ноутбука

В настоящее время компания Acer предлагает первый 4K дисплей с поддержкой G-Sync. Вряд ли у Вас получится перевести название на русский язык красиво и тем более найти в нем смысл, однако оно должно рождать ассоциации со скоростью и высокой производительностью, которыми обладает само устройство — Acer Aspire V Nitro.

Читайте также: Asus Zenbook NX500 – Обзор ноутбука с 4K экраном

Acer Aspire V Nitro Edition — Отзывы

Ноутбук Acer Aspire V Nitro Edition — характеристики

Ноутбук имеет дисплей с разрешением 3820х2160, процессор Core i7-4710HQ, 16 Гб оперативной памяти и жесткий накопитель на 256 Гб. Acer Aspire V Nitro Black Edition – ноутбук черного цвета. Неожиданно, не правда ли? Поверхность полностью матовая.

«Урезанную» модель можно приобрести за $ 1099 (с дисплеем 1080p), но устройство, которое мы тестировали, стоит 1799 $ –разница в 200 $ с 15-дюймовым MacBook Pro, оснащенным экраном ретина. Сможет ли новое устройство от Acer составить конкуренцию продукции Apple? Раз уж мы заговорили о конкурентоспособности, Aspire V15 – безусловно, хорошая модель, однако ей трудно будет соперничать с такими гигантами как MacBook Pro или Dell XPS 15 Touch.


Справа расположены три порта USB 3.0, а также HDMI, Ethernet и гнездо для подключения наушников. Слот для SD-карт поселился отшельником на передней кромке. Беспроводные соединения включают в себя 802.11n Wi-Fi и Bluetooth. Примечательно, что Wi-Fi адаптер поддерживает MIMO, что обеспечивает более высокую скорость интернета при беспроводном соединении. Набор портов радует, чего нельзя сказать об их размещении. Чем больше портов USB находится рядом, тем больше шнуров собьются в кучу. Более того, будет достаточно неудобно пользоваться мышкой, так как она постоянно будет натыкаться на эти самые шнуры.

Мелкие кнопки

В клавиатуре Aspire V15 нет абсолютно ничего примечательного. За такую стоимость можно было бы оборудовать ноутбук чем-то более интересным и удобным. Клавиатуру можно назвать нормальной, но подобную имеют и ноутбуки, которые стоят в два раза дешевле. Имеется подсветка. Почему-то только красная. Главный минус заключается в том, что не все клавиши подсвечиваются одинаково – кому-то достается больше света, а кому-то меньше.

Тачпад ситуацию не спасает. Поле размерами 3.5х4.5 дюйма имеет не очень приятную для пальцев зернистую текстуру. Так же не всё гладко с мультитачем – некоторые функции активировались совершенно случайно, что делает работу не самой удобной. Левая и правая кнопки мыши встроены в поверхность тачпада, поэтому большинство пользователей, будет пользоваться старым-добрым «тук-тук» вместо нажатия этих клавиш.

Берегись, ретина!

Ноутбук Acer Aspire V15 Nitro является первым ноутбуком от Acer, который сделал шаг вперед. 15.6-дюймовый экран предлагает потрясающую плотность – целых 281 пикселей на дюйм. Этот показатель выше, чем даже у любого экрана Apple. При такой плотности разглядеть отдельные пиксели просто невозможно, даже если Вы носом в экран уткнетесь.

Наши тесты показали, что экран передает 98% гаммы цветов sRGB и 73% AdobeRGB. По данному показателю Aspire V15 Nitro занимает почетное второе место, лишь немного отстав от HP Spectre 13t x2 и Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro. И это только начало. V15 также обеспечивает отличный контраст и насыщенные цвета.

Однако и этот дисплей не лишен изъянов, например, маленький угол обзора по горизонтальной оси, а также местами страдает однородность изображения в очень темных сценах.

Что касается динамиков, то Aspire V Nitro воспроизводит более чистый и насыщенный звук, чем большинство игровых ноутбуков.

Скорость считывания процессора составляет 487.3 мегабайт в секунду, а записи – 411.9 мегабайт в секунду. Хотя это и не рекордный показатель, результат очень хороший.


Для тестирования игрового процесса мы запускали Diablo 3. С разрешением 1080p игра шла без каких-либо затруднений. При повышении разрешения мы заметили, что, хоть геймплей и оставался гладким, производительность была на пределе. Не забывайте, что речь идет о Diablo 3! Более современные игры можно будет запустить только на 1080p.


Удивительно, но в современной гонке ноутбуков V15 не стремится быть портативным устройством. Толщина составляет примерно 2.5 см, а весит около 2.5 кг. Хотите поехать с этим ноутбуком в путешествие? Забудьте об этом! Для такого дисплея априори требуется массивный аккумулятор, который легким быть не может. Без подзарядки устройство проработало всего лишь 2 часа 12 минут. За это время мы активно пользовались интернетом, путешествуя по различным сайтам.

Шум и нагрев Acer Aspire V Nitro Black Edition

Мы были готовы к тому, что ноутбук такой мощности будет сильно греться и издавать много шума, но нас приятно удивило обратное. Максимум ноутбук нагрелся до 82.6 F. По сути, температура хоть и высокая, но лишь на пару градусов выше, чем у Toshiba Satellite Radius или Lenovo IdeaPad Z40.

Что касается уровня шума, прибор зафиксировал показатель в 39.1 децибел на предельной нагрузке. Эта цифра действительно меньше, чем у многих ноутбуков.


Дисплей Acer Aspire V15 Nitro поистине близок к совершенству, мы просто влюбились в него. Кроме того, ноутбук отличается своей мощностью и высокой производительностью. Платить или нет за такой ноутбук – решать Вам. Если Вас не смущают его габариты и постоянная необходимость «обниматься» с розеткой – покупкой, Вы скорее всего останетесь довольны.

Хотелось бы порекомендовать ноутбук Aspire V Nitro, но все же не могу, уж слишком он противоречивый со своими преимуществами и недостатками. В нем нет ничего «плохого» или «хорошего», а есть только «совершенно потрясающее» и «хуже некуда». Посмотрим, может через пару обновлений и модификаций он сможет вытеснить MacBook с рынка, но пока что об этом рано думать.

  • Хорошая секция портов
  • Великолепный 4К дисплей
  • Приличное качество звука
  • Высокая производительность в любой области.
  • Не выглядит на свою стоимость
  • Большие габариты
  • Батарея слишком быстро разряжается.
Acer Aspire V Nitro Black Edition видео трейлер

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Acer Aspire V15 Nitro Black Edition

Acer's Aspire V15 Nitro Black Edition (starting at $799, reviewed at $999) could easily pass as a business laptop, thanks to its elegant chassis. Don't let the stately presentation fool you, though, because the V15 Nitro is definitely a gaming notebook, thanks to its Nvidia GeForce GTX 960M GPU. And when you're not saving the world or rebuilding it, the system's Intel Core i7 processor will take care of the heavy lifting on the multitasking front. It's a solid midtier system, but less than 4 hours of battery life and a sluggish hard drive prevent the V15 Nitro from being great.

Design: I Can't Believe It's a Gaming Laptop

The V15 Nitro is the understated counterpoint to the aggressive Acer Predator 17. Instead of brash red stripes and a Decepticon-esque logo, the V15 Nitro utilizes a black plastic, ribbed surface for the lid, with a modest plastic metallic logo. The back of the notebook features sexy metallic hinges engraved with the Aspire V Nitro logo. I couldn't resist running my fingers across the pleasantly textured lid, because it gave me a cathartic feeling akin to squeezing a stress ball.

Same thing goes for the soft-touch finish. The keyboard deck and undercarriage are awash in a soft, velvety-black material. The red backlit keyboard, which would look imposing on another laptop, looks warm and inviting here, especially with the sliver of red light sitting below the silver hinges.

I also like the imprinted Dolby Audio logo in the top-left corner of the deck above the keyboard and the simulated handwriting on the touchpad. Acer cleverly placed the power button in the function key row, above the num pad, to avoid marring the seamless design.

At 5.1 pounds, the 15.4 x 10.3 x 0.9-inch V15 Nitro weighs the same as the HP Pavilion 15 Gaming Laptop (5.1 pounds, 15.1 x 10.4 x 1.1 inches) but is slightly thinner. The Lenovo Y700 (15.2 x 10.9 x 1 inches) and the Dell Alienware 15 (15.2 x 10.6 x 1.34 inches) tip the scales at 5.9 and 6.6 pounds, respectively.


The V15 Nitro has a healthy helping of ports, including two USB 3.0 ports, a USB Type-C port, HDMI, Gigabit Ethernet and the power jack on the right side. You'll find a USB 2.0,SD card reader,a headset jack and a Kensington secure lock slot along the left side.

Display: A Feast for the Eyes

The V15 Nitro's 15.6-inch LCD panel is a beauty. The matte 1080p display is an explosion of vivid hues, accentuated by an overall bright screen. Jordan Peele's spearmint-colored hoodie helped to play up his caramel complexion in the Keanu trailer. Contrast and detail were sharp enough to show off the individual divots cut into the barrel without distracting from the large red, black and gold shells mounted on the side.

The landscape of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt was resplendent with color. Walking through a sun-dappled forest, I took some time to admire the bone-white birch trees full of dark-green leaves. The winding path led me to an open meadow as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky blood red and orange before transitioning to a moonlit sky.

The screen produced a strong 115 percent of the sRGB color gamut, which is well above the mainstream average. The Dell Inspiron 15 7000 was the closest competitor at 93 percent, while the Pavilion 15 and Y700 delivered poor scores of 62 and 61 percent, respectively.

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The V15 Nitro's color accuracy score of 0.97 on the Delta-E test (0 is ideal) was also quite good. The Pavilion 15 and the Y700 were even better at 0.71 and 0.7, respectively.


One thing's for sure, the V15 Nitro's bottom-mounted speakers are loud. Assisted by Dolby Audio software, the laptop had no problem filling my bedroom with powerful, but sometimes muddy, audio. Due to the speakers' location, the sound only got worse when I used the system in my lap. Still, chanteuse Jazmine Sullivan's strong alto washed my room in tales of regret and longing. As much as I love Sullivan's voice, it wasn't enough to distract me from the submerged bass guitar or the scratchy acoustic guitar.

The melancholy strings that comprise the bulk of The Witcher 3's soundtrack were crystal-clear, gracefully swelling as I made my way to the next objective. Landing a hearty blow on a charging wolf produced a wet, meaty thud followed by a high-pitched yelp.

Keyboard and Touchpad

Typing on the V15 Nitro is a meh experience, beset by squishy keys with moderate feedback. That's most likely due to the 1.2 millimeters of key travel (1.5 to 2 mm is ideal). The chiclet-size keyboard has normal-size keys, with the exception of the Tab and Caps Lock, which is weird, because the Right Shift key is so big. I hit 55 words per minute on the 10FastFingers Typing test, which is short of my usual 60 wpm.

The 4.1 x 3-inch touchpad is quick on the draw, performing gestures like pinch-zoom, two-finger scroll and three-finger flick almost as fast as I could input the gesture. Feedback from the bottom corners was nice and firm, accompanied by a loud click.

Graphics and Gaming: Good Pop for the Price

The V15 Nitro's midlevel Nvidia GeForce 960M GPU with 4GB can serve up some respectable frame rates. Some games can push a lower-tier GPU to its limit. As I explored the world of Witcher 3 on medium at 1080p, the laptop averaged 30 fps, matching our playability threshold. On high, I could see the intricate stitching on the hero's dual scabbards as well as the bloody, rotting maws of some passing ghouls, but at 21 fps, the slightest button press elicited jerky motions, transforming a typically smooth swing of a sword into a stuttering mess. When I switched to ultra settings, the frame rate dropped to an unplayable 16 fps, which caused extreme blurring when rotating the camera 360 degrees, despite having V-Sync enabled.

The laptop started out strong on the Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege test, scoring a whopping 82 fps on low at 1080p. That was enough to best the Y700's (Nvidia 960M) 40 fps and shatter the 68-fps mainstream average. The Pavilion 15's Nvidia 950M GPU landed in the middle, with 55 fps. When we ran the test on high, the frame rate dropped to a still-playable 45 fps, beating the 41-fps average as well as the Pavilion 15's 31 fps. It wasn't enough, however, to top the Y700's 77 fps.

During the GPU-taxing Metro: Last Light benchmark, the V15 Nitro just missed the 68-fps average, with a 67-fps result, but still defeated the Pavilion 15 (45 fps). The Y700 achieved an impressive 76 fps. Metro made short work of all the laptops on high, with none of them achieving 30 fps.

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When you aren't fragging friends or devising some wicked,complicated move in a real-time strategy game,the integrated Intel HD 530 Graphics GPU takes over for less-taxing tasks.

Performance: Solid Multitasking

Life isn't all fun and games, so when it's time to do work, the V15 Nitro's 2.6-GHz quad-core Intel Core i7-6700HQ processor with 8GB of RAM has you covered. The notebook performed an antivirus scan with eight open tabs in Google Chrome, one of which was streaming a lag-free episode of House of Cards.

The laptop delivered strong results on our synthetic tests as well, scoring 12,577 on Geekbench 3, handily beating the 8,712 average.

Not to be outdone, the 2.6-GHz Intel Core i7-6700HQ-specced Pavilion 15 and Y700 scored 12,242 and 13,067, respectively. The Inspiron 15's 2.4-GHz, dual-core Intel Core i7-5500U CPU posted 6,380, proving that four cores are better than two.

The V15 Nitro beat the Lenovo Y700 on Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege test, scoring a whoppin' 82 fps.

When we tested the V15 Nitro's 1TB, 5,400-rpm hard-drive transfer speed, we saw a rate of 33.9 MBps, topping the Pavilion 15's (1TB, 5,400-rpm hard drive) 33.5MBps. The Y700's 128GB SSD and the Inspiron 15's 256GB SSD achieved 108.3 MBps and 195.7 MBps, respectively. That's the trade-off between storage capacity and solid-state speed.


After fighting off Noonwraiths in Witcher 3 for 15 minutes, the touchpad measured a warm 93 degrees Fahrenheit. The space between the G and H keys hit 106 degrees, which is above our 95-degree comfort threshold, while the bottom registered 113 degrees. Thanks to the plastic finish, the elevated temperatures didn't feel uncomfortable in my lap. The fans were fairly quiet as I worked to send the undead fiends back to the great beyond, allowing me to be fully immersed in the game.


The integrated HD webcam did an adequate job of taking stills and video in 720p. The color of my warm, brown complexion was spot on, as was the hue of my aqua-blue shirt. There was a lot of visual noise in the shot -- so much so that it almost looked like I enabled a pixelation camera effect.

Battery Life: Below Average

If I could change one thing about the V15, it would be the short battery life. After we uninstalled the power manager -- which apparently was interfering with Windows 10's power profile -- the notebook lasted 4 hours and 15 minutes on the Laptop Mag Battery Test (continuous web surfing over Wi-Fi).The Lenovo Y700 posted a similar 4:16 but the Pavilion 15 and Inspiron 15 posted better times of 5:06 and 5:45, respectively.

MORE: Laptops with the Longest Battery Life

Software and Warranty

For all its lofty gaming ambitions, the V15 Nitro is weighed down by bloatware and too many utilities. First-party apps such as the cloud-based abDocs, abFiles, abMedia and abPhoto are definitely useful on a mainstream or productivity notebook, but I wouldn't want them preloaded onto a gaming rig.

Third-party apps include Flipboard, Amazon, Music Maker Jam, Foxit Phantom PDF, Kindle and Netflix as well as the Nvidia GeForce Experience, which offers a suite of game-enhancing apps.

The Acer Aspire V15 Nitro Black Edition comes with a one-year limited warranty.


Our $999 configuration of the V15 Nitro includes a 2.6-GHz, quad-core Intel Core i7-6700HQ processor with 8GB of RAM, a 1TB, 5,400-rpm hard drive and an Nvidia GeForce GTX 960M GPU with 4GB of VRAM.

If I could change one thing about the V15, it would be the abysmal battery life.

The $799 base model has a 2.3-GHz Intel Core i5-6200U CPU,8GB of RAM,a 1TB,5,400-rpm hard drive and Nvidia GeForce GTX 945M GPU with 2GB of VRAM.

If you want a more premium configuration, we suggest the $1,799 model, which has a 2.6-GHz, quad-core Intel Core i7-6700HQ processor with 16GB of RAM, a 512GB SSD with a 1TB, 5,400-rpm hard drive and Nvidia GeForce GTX 960M GPU with 4GB of VRAM and a 4K (3840 x 2160) resolution display.

Bottom Line

Gaming laptops don't have to cost an arm and a leg or pull double duty as a portable light show. The $999 Acer Aspire V15 Nitro Black Edition is a prime example, offering solid gaming and multitasking power by way of its Nvidia 960M GPU and Intel Core i7 processor, with a vivid display to sweeten the pot. It's a strong contender for gamers hoping to balance price and performance.

The V15 Nitro isn't without its flaws -- namely, poor battery life and slow storage speeds. For just $50 more, you can get the 15-inch Lenovo Y700, which has faster load times, longer battery life and comparable performance. However, if you want a solid gaming laptop for under $1,000, you can't go wrong with the V15 Nitro.

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    Acer Aspire V15 Nitro VN7-592G review ( Black Edition)

    If you’re after a 15-inch entertainment laptop that can deal well with multimedia content and some games, there’s a fair chance the Acer Aspire V15 Nitro Black Edition series is already on your list. If not, it should be!

    The first generation was released back in 2014 and was well received by reviewers and buyers around the world. With the launch of Intel’s Skylake platforms, Acer updated the Nitro Black models, and in this post we’re going to analyze the late 2015 15-inch model, the Aspire V15 Nitro VN7-592G Black Edition. I’ve spent the last two weeks with our test unit and I’ve gathered my impressions in the following rows.

    This new model builds on its predecessor’s strong points. It maintains the good looks, the solid build quality and good screen options, but gets Skylake hardware, Nvidia 960M graphics, a slightly revised keyboard and a few other tweaks. However, it’s not all bells and whistles, as you’ll find out further down.

    The video review

    The specs sheet

    Acer Aspire V15 Nitro Black Edition VN7-592G
    Screen15.6 inch, 3840 x 2160 px resolution, matte, IPS, non-touch
    ProcessorIntel Skylake Core i5-6300HQ CPU, quad-core 2.3 GHz (3.2 GHz TBoost)
    VideoIntel HD 530 + Nvidia GTX 960M 4GB
    Memory8 GB DDR4 2133Mhz (2xDIMMs)
    Storage128 GB SSD (M.2 SATA, NVMe supported) + 500 GB 2.5″ HDD
    ConnectivityWireless AC Atheros AR5BWB222 , Gigabit LAN, Intel Bluetooth 4.0
    Ports2x USB 3.0, 1x USB 2.0, 1x USB 3.1(Thunderbolt 3), HDMI, mic/earphone, SD card reader, LAN
    Baterry52.5 Wh
    Operating systemWindows 10
    Size390 mm or 15.35” (w) x 263 mm or 10.35” (d) x 23mm or 0.9” (h)
    Weight2.21 kg or 4.9 lb
    Extrasbacklit keyboard, 4 speakers

    Design and exterior

    On a first look, the 2015 and the 2014 models are pretty much identical, and that’s because not much has changed on the outside. The updated Aspire V15 Nitro still gets a soft plastic case with a textured lid-cover and a smooth interior. I’m a fan of this sort of rubbery finishing, which feels nice to touch and offers good grip. However, it also shows smudges and fingerprints easily, so potential buyers will have a hard time keeping the interior clean.

    Personally, I also like this notebook’s rather sober design. It gets a hint of flashiness with the chromed strip on the rear side, which is also made of plastic, but I can live with that. The Aspire V Nitro branding is engraved on this element, while on the trackpad there’s a Black Edition signature, slight hints meant to show that this is not an ordinary laptop.

    Aesthetics aside, I feel Acer did a pretty good job with the overall craftsmanship quality, as this machine feels sturdy and well put together. There’s flex in the lid, so you might want to be careful when you carry this around, but the inner frame is strong and barely bulges even when pressed firmly. The hinges are well designed as well, soft enough to allow users to easily lift the screen with a single hand, yet stiff enough to properly hold the display in place.

    Let’s turn our attention onto the practical aspects. All the ports are lined on the sides, but most of them are placed on the right edge, which makes it rather cluttered, and if you plan to connect many peripherals, the cables will interfere with a mouse. The left edge is much cleaner and I would have appreciated if Acer would have moved some of the connectors here.

    There are only three full-size USB slots, but also a USB 3.1 Thunderbolt 3 connector. For video, users would have to rely mostly on the HDMI output, but they can also use the USB 3.1 with the right adapter to output 4K resolutions.

    Besides this, I should also mention that the V15 Nitro Black is overall slimmer and lighter than most of the other 15-inchers in its segment, with its under 1-inch body that weighs just shy of 5 lbs, in the configuration we had here. The slim case also leads to a low-profile front lip, which won’t put any pressure on your wrists, and the generous palm-rest helps with the everyday use experience as well.

    A more difficult to spot change is the redesigned belly, with larger and more grippier rubber feet and larger intake grills. The light-bar the Acer added in the space between the chromed back and the black interior on this new V15 Nitro is much more visible. This bar is always backlit and cannot be switched off. Luckily, it’s not very bright, but even so I find it slightly annoying when watching movies in a dark environment.

    Keyboard and trackpad

    Acer put a pretty good keyboard on this laptop, and if my memory serves me right, it’s a slight upgrade from what I’ve encountered on the older Nitros, with slightly firmer keys and a deeper stroke. The layout isn’t perfect though, as the NumPad area and the Directional keys are somewhat cramped, but it’s an approach I’ve seen on many other 15-inchers. The power button is also integrated as the Top-Right key and can be deactivated from the software.

    Overall, this keyboard types well, but I had a hard time getting used to it. I found the pressure point rather shallow, which caused a fair amount of missed strokes at the beginning. I got used to the fact that I had to press the keys more vigorously and after several thousands of words I was able to type fast and with few mistakes.

    The keys are backlit, in case you want to type in the dark, and there’s no way to adjust the brightness intensity: it’s either ON or OFF. The red illumination might not appeal to everyone, but at least the keys are visible whether the illumination is active or not, mostly because Acer went for white fonts, not red like other manufacturers chose for their products.

    A large trackpad sits beneath the keyboard, with a smooth surface and overall solid performance. It’s smooth, but is made of plastic and some of you might be bothered by this aspect. Still, it handled swipes, taps and gestures well, and in fact my only complain about it are the rather clunky physical clicks and the rather hollow sound when tapping the surface a bit more vigorously.


    Let’s move past the input methods and turn to the screen. Our version came with the 4K IPS Sharp panel, which is simply astonishing. It’s a wide gamut panel capable of covering 100% of the Adobe RGB gamut, so it impresses with its accurate colors, sharpness, large viewing angles and deep contrast.

    However, the maximum brightness was kind of low on this test unit, and if that’s going to be the case with the final retail versions as well, you’ll probably want to keep this laptop mostly indoors. Still, similar Sharp panels are present on some of the previous V15 Nitro versions and those were much brighter, thus it’s possible something was wrong with our test unit. However, I couldn’t find the exact panel used here on any other notebook, so whether or not the recorded brightness is correct remains to be seen.

    Anyway, here are the hard numbers recorded with the Spyder4 Elite sensors and software package:

    • Panel HardwareID: Sharp LQ156D1JW02D;
    • Coverage: 100% sRGB, 98% NTSC, 100% AdobeRGB;
    • Measured gamma: 2.2;
    • Max brightness in the middle of the screen: 198 cd/m2 on power;
    • Contrast at max brightness: 780:1;
    • White point: 6900 K;
    • Black on max brightness: 0.26 cd/m2;
    • Average DeltaE: 1.52 uncalibrated, 4.42 calibrated .

    Blacks are deep on this screen, but that’s mostly due to the limited brightness. The colors are very accurate out of the box, but the calibration run with the Spyder4 seems to mess up colors more than it helps, so I’m not going to include the calibration profile for download, and if you get one of these screens, use something better to calibrate it.

    Anyway, overall, this is a great display. However, it’s also going to be an expensive option, and most buyers would probably prefer the 1080p version instead, which is pretty good as well and actually a better fit for the hardware on this laptop.

    Hardware, performance and upgrade options

    So how about performance? Well, the Aspire V15 Nitro is going to be available in a bunch of different configurations, and we have one of the base models for this review, with a Core i5-6300HQ processor, only 8 GB of RAM, Nvidia 960M graphics and dual storage, with an SSD for the operating system and a HDD for the content. Higher end versions get up to 32 GB of DDR4 RAM and a Core i7 processor.

    There’s a Core i5-6300HQ quad-core processor on our test unit and Nvidia GTX 960M graphics

    There are two memory slots on the computer and both the M.2 and the 2.5″ storage bays are accessible. However, getting to the hardware is not an easy task, as this laptop does not open from the back, but from the top. You’ll have to take care of all the screws on the belly, then lift up the interior, disconnect the keyboard ribbon, and that will take you to the storage bays. For the RAM slots, you’ll also have to disassemble the cooling system and unscrew the motherboard, because those are placed behind it. This disassembly guide will come in handy if you want to perform any upgrades. It’s for the VN-591G, but the VN7-592G has an identical internal layout.

    Our test model proved to be responsive, despite being a base-level configuration. The SSD helped for sure and the 8 GB of memory are actually enough for most chores. It was capable of easily handling everyday tasks like browsing or watching any kind of multimedia content, including 4K clips. The screen and the capable audio system, with four speakers, greatly enhance the overall multimedia experience. And while dealing with casual activities, the laptop remains cool and fairly quiet, although the two fans inside are active all the time.

    I should add that there’s a significant amount of bloatware on this laptop, so you should get rid of most of the Acer software and the 3rd party trials to speed up performance.

    The V15 Nitro can also tackle serious loads, from professional software like Adobe Premiere or Eclipse, to some of the latest games. However, the acoustics and thermals do suffer in these situations. We’ll talk about that further down.

    When it comes to games, you should keep in mind that the Nvidia GTX 960M is merely a mid-level graphics chip, so don’t expect to play the latest launches at the native 4K resolution, that’s not going to happen. That means you’ll pretty much have to run games on 1080p, which is the main reason I would advise those of you that are into gaming on picking a V15 Nitro with the 1080p screen option. It will allow you to run games at the native resolution, thus everything will look crisper, but it’s also going to be more efficient and cheaper. The UHD screen is splendid, like I said before, but it’s not the best match for games on this computer.

    Anyway, here are a few gaming results. I gave up trying to run any of them in 4K after Tomb Raider and Grid Autosport simply crashed at launch.

    FHD HighFHD Low
    Grid Autosport52 fps85 fps
    Tomb Raider67 fps136 fps
    Bioshock Infinite64 fps97 fps

    I also ran a few benchmarks and you can find the numbers below. Keep in mind we tested a preproduction sample, thus take the results with a grain of salt. On top of that, our review unit encountered problems with the graphics driver, which kept restarting each couple of minutes, and that’s why I wasn’t able to run some of the regular tests.

    • 3Dmark 11: P5168;
    • 3Dmark 13: – ;
    • PCMark 08: – ;
    • CineBench 11.5: OpenGL 36.33 fps, CPU 4.92 pts, CPU Single Core 1.42 pts;
    • CineBench R15: OpenGL 43.74 fps, CPU 426 pts, CPU Single Core 124 pts.
    • x264 Benchmark 4.0 32-bit: Pass 1 – 142.15 fps, Pass 2 – 29.23 fps;
    • x264 Benchmark 5.0.1 64-bit: Pass 1 – 46.64 fps, Pass 2 – 10.52 fps.

    You should know that the components tend to reach high temperatures under load, which also spread towards the outer case, around the areas where the heatpipes are placed. On the other hand, I haven’t seen any signs of throttling in daily use, and that’s why the benchmark results are solid and the computer performs smoothly all the time. In stress tests though, the high temperatures do lead to throttling.

    The first test only pushes the CPU to 100% with Prime95, and the picture bellow shows you that the cores run at the maximum TurboBoost frequency of 3.1 GHz for a limited time, and then drop to the default frequency of 2.3 GHz. they don’t get below that, but the CPU’s performance is still thermally capped. Temperatures reach 88 degrees.

    The second test involves running both Prime95 and Furmark at the same time, which stress both the CPU and the GPU. The CPU runs at 2.3 GHz for a short while, then starts dropping bellow the nominal frequency, ranging between 1.9 and 2.3 GHz. The GPU’s Clock gradually drops in time, stabilizing somewhere at around 650 MHz, which is significantly lower than the stock frequency of 1100 MHz.

    So both the CPU and the GPU throttle, with the former reaching temperatures of over 95 degrees, and the latter temperatures of 85 degrees.

    However, stress tests loads will not occur in everyday use, and the thing to keep in mind here is that the V15 Nitro Black Edition performs well in normal scenarios. It gets hot, but the performance remains consistent.

    Noise, Heat, Connectivity, speakers and others

    OK, let’s turn our eyes onto the thermals and acoustic performance. In casual activities, this laptop rests cool and quiet. The fans are active all the time, and the mechanical HDD adds to the overall noise, but even so the V15 Nitro is not going to be overly loud in this situation.

    Under load, the fans ramp up to 45 dB at head level and despite that, the cooling system is not very capable of keeping temperatures at bay. The thin profile gets some of the blame, and despite Acer’s efforts of enlarging the intake grills on the bottom, certain spots on the case still get close to 48-50 degrees while running games or performing other demanding tasks that put both the CPU and the graphics to work. The palm-rests remains fairly cool, but the middle of the keyboard and the belly get too hot for comfort.

    *Daily Use – 1080p Youtube clip in Edge for 30 minutes *Load – playing Need for Speed Most Wanted for 30 minutes

    The set of four speakers are loud and push out fairly good sound, so they can cover the fan-noise in most cases. Pretentious users would want to turn to headphones or perhaps external speakers though.

    As for the IO, there’s Wireless AC, Gigabit LAN and Bluetooth on this computer. It’s worth noting that quite a few owners of the original V15 Nitros complained about constant Wi-Fi drops and overall poor Wi-Fi signal on those units. I haven’t encountered any drops in the two weeks I’ve been using this test model, but the signal strength does get poor once you get more than 10 meters away from the router, so if you have dodgy Internet connection in your office or home, this would be another concern. Right near the router though, the Intel 7265 chip was easily capable of maximizing my connection.

    Battery life

    There’s a 52.5 Wh battery on this Acer, which is decently sized, considering the V15 Nitro is actually thinner andlighter than most other similarly configured 15-inchers. The powerful hardware and the UHD screen do take their toll though, so you shouldn’t expect more than 3 hours of use on a charge, as you can see below (the screen was set at 50% brightness, which is around 120 nits):

    • 12.5 W (~4 h 20 min of use) – idle, Power Saving Mode, screen at 0%, Wi-Fi OFF;
    • 17 W (~3 h of use) – very light browsing and text editing in Google Drive, Balanced Mode, screen at 50%, Wi-Fi ON;
    • 18 W (~3 h of use) – 1080p fullscreen video on Youtube in Internet Explorer, Balanced Mode, screen at 50%, Wi-Fi ON;
    • 17 W (~3 h of use) – 1080p fullscreen .mkv video in the Movie app, Balanced Mode, screen at 50%, Wi-Fi ON;
    • 30 W (~1 h 45 min of use) – heavy browsing in Edge, Balanced Mode, screen at 50%, Wi-Fi ON.

    The versions with the 1080p display should last longer, but even so, the V15 Nitro Black Edition falls overall short on this chapter.

    The UHD screen takes its toll on the battery

    Price and availability

    The Acer Aspire V15 Nitro VN7-592G is available in stores around the world in various configurations.

    In the US, the base models sell for around $900 and include the Intel Core i7-6700HQ processor, 8 GB of RAM, the Nvidia GTX 960M 4GB graphics, a 1TB HDD and a FHD display. The higher end versions with the UHD panel, SSD storage and more RAM are not yet available at the time of this post.

    In Europe, roughly 900 Eur will get you a configuration similar to the one above, but with the Core i5-6300HQ processor instead. The UHD models are listed for around 1500-1600 Eur, with SSD storage and more RAM.

    I’d suggest following this link for the latest configurations and up-to-date prices at the time you’re reading this post.


    Overall, the Acer Aspire V15 Nitro Black Edition is fairly priced, pretty much on par with the MSI GE62 Apache and about $50 more affordable than a similarly configured Asus GL552VW, which we also reviewed here on the site a while ago.

    On top of that, potential buyers will actually get plenty for their money, especially if they go for the more affordable versions with the FHD screen. The laptop is well built and nice looking, packs a good keyboard and display, performs well, and is both thinner and slightly lighter than the competition.

    The Acer Aspire V15 Nitro Black Edition is a very good entertainment laptop, but the high temperatures and poor battery life might steer you towards something else

    On the other hand, the V15 Nitro Black gets reaches high temperatures under serious load, so I’d advise buying extended warranty, plus is rather difficult to upgrade and not very long-lasting, despite packing a decently sized battery for its slender shape.

    Long story short, the V15 Nitro Black VN7-592G is one of the better 15-inch multimedia laptops in its class. It’s not perfect, but it’s definitely worth more than a look. Just make sure you carefully consider the prices and what the competition has to offer at the time you’re reading this post, so you’ll make the smartest choice.

    The comments section is of course open, so if you need any help, have any questions or something to add to this article, feel free to participate, I’m around and will help out whenever I can.

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